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Cherish your Elders

With permission from our Elders, I am opening a sacred space and inviting in the Four Directions, our Presence, Essence and Discernment, our Higher Selves and Spirit guides, to support us in our journey of awareness. Thank you!

What happened to our Elders? When did we stop seeing them? When did we stop acknowledge their experience and witness their stories?

There is a proverb in my homeland that if you don’t have an Elder, you should buy one.

Why would you buy an Elder for yourself? Because you still have a long way to go to become one and they’ve already been through life and have pearls of wisdom, if you have ears to listen to them and eyes to see them.

The Elders in my family have passed the torch to my mother and my father. They are now the Elders for me. And though, I still act as child when I feel like having fun and playing games with them, I cherish their advice and how they see things. It doesn’t mean necessarily that I will do as they tell me, but I am considering their perspective as I am building my own. I respect their life experience and who they have become.

I do miss my grandparents, those that I knew and those that I barely knew.

I have memories with my great-grandmother who passed when I was 14 years old.

I remember their advice and how their arms would always welcome me, how they would express their love through food, how they would hide their tears from me and how they would suffer when they saw me in pain. Those old sayings that are transmitted within each family, those wise words, they have such a deep meaning for me now.

To our Elders who have cherished the land and what is giving us,

To our Elders who have worked so hard and sacrificed themselves for the next generation to have a better start in life than them,

To our Elders whom consciously became another step in the ladder of healing,

To our Elders who have kept within families’ traditions that honor the lineage, the dead and the living,

To our Elders who have taught us respect, love, and the importance of values,

To our Elders who have never forgotten Spirit,

To our Elders who did the best they could,

To our Elders who had patience with us when we did not have patience with ourselves,

To our Elders who prepared us to live freely and be aware of others too,

To our Elders who have gathered around the fire in circles, to share stories,

To our Elders who have taught us the importance of celebration,

To our Elders who have understood the nature’s cycles and honored the rites of passage,

To our Elders who built with their hands the legacy that we are now enjoying,

To our Elders who shared with us their gifts and their shadows,

To our Elders who cherished peace and support in community,

To our Elders who we could rely on,

To our Elders who took roles of teaching us about love, self-worth and standing tall,

To our Elders who accepted to be aware, present as much as they could,

To our Elders who have passed, and they are amongst us,

We see you. We thank you. We honor you. We love you.


Welcome Mapacho in the Sacred Space!

To our Elders…

May you be blessed and protected by Spirit.

May you be happy with us and the steps we are taking in life.

May you feel our love and our honor.

May you live happily through us.

May we take our rightful place in the Tree of life, in our lineages.

May we honor the gifts that are passed through and may we live in integrity.

And may we forgive each other, ourselves and have faith in Spirit and its mysterious ways of working.

May we laugh together, celebrate life and death together, celebrate ourselves together!

May we play and celebrate what it means to be a human and have this miraculous experience called life.

May we honor Earth, take care of her and leave this place, if not better, at least cleaner.

May we remember to bless the lands, the water, the animals, people and all that Spirit is, as within so without.

I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you.

Thank you to the Four Directions, our Presence, Essence and Discernment, our Higher Selves and Spirit guides, for holding the space and helping is remember our Elders ancient wisdom. The Sacred Space is now closed. Thank you!


In service to the journey,

Alexandra, Guardian of Ianara.


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